
Four New Audiobooks

When my kids were little, I loved reading tongue-twister, fun stories to them each night.

Dr Seuss’s Sneetches on Beaches was a favourite! The girls loved it when I read it, faster and faster.

So, it made sense to read my own audio books.

Like anything, one gets better, though everyone has to start, somewhere.

I’m sure my 25th book was much better written than my first published book, Lady Sarah’s Redemption – though of course that went through a refresher stage after I got the rights back from my publisher and I made it available through my own publishing house, Sani Publishing.

Just as I’m sure the fourth book I’ve narrated – The Wilful Widow – is better than the first I narrated, The Bluestocking and the Rake.

But, I’ve always loved reading aloud and the process has been fun.

So, here are the first four. Two are already published, and two will be available in the next few days.

And, if you are interested in audiobooks, just remember that when you buy direct, you’re getting the cheapest price while the author gets more pennies, too.
